4 Steps to Journey Away from Perfectionism

10 thoughts on “4 Steps to Journey Away from Perfectionism”

  1. Great post with many needed reminders, Julie. Thanks so much for sharing! I especially love the thoughts of “Are these expectations realistic?” and “Does ___ affect my holiness or walk with God?” Great stuff!

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  2. Julie, such wisdom in this post! My hubs (and I) like to say we are recovering perfectionists. And we have one son who is an user-perfectionist. Moving beyond perfectionism definitely requires God’s intervention and help.

    This is one of the most profound truths God has been teaching me over the past number of years…You stated it so well! “He says YOU are worthy because You are His.”

    Loved this post!

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    1. Thank you for being here, Jeanne. Yes, I will be in prayer for your son to see himself as God sees him. I read your post the other day. It is such an amazing journey, which I am learning will never be full of peace without struggle. Perhaps that’s what my brand new Christian self thought a couple years back. Embracing the messy means allowing and honoring the struggles. Thank goodness for our All Knowing Teacher 🙂


  3. Thank you for these words, Julie. As a recovering perfectionist myself, I particularly appreciated your thoughts on embracing the messiness of life and being kind to ourselves. Even though I’ve been a Christian my whole life, it is only in recent years that I’ve begun to embrace the gift of walking with Jesus and others through the messiness of our daily lives and our wounds. Have a blessed day!

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  4. Sigh….You know me so well…After some days of scurrying I sat down this morning with Jesus and through discussion about putting on His armor, more specifically, the shoes of Peace, he shared with me “”that I need to quit trying to put on others shoes”. Others people shoes can look desirable at first but they have not been shaped by the hard work of walking, going, working or trudging. They are just not for me, in fact often times they will leave me in pain. Similarly, my shoes will not work for anyone else either. May we daughters continue to live aware of the beauty in ourselves and in our weaknesses, may we be so secure that 2 Corinthians 12:9 will not even scare us….”But he said to me, “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” May we accept that he is the Perfect we desire and we get to be Graced with Him for the journey… I love your heart, thank you my PA Friend

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    1. Dear Emily, thank you for being here. Yes, you and I and many other sisters and brothers are plagued with a sense we lack when we cant achieve perfection. I know our boys are two examples of other works in progress. I just coached Jackson yesterday out of believing the lie that he was bad at baseball. I just may borrow your God-given shoes example, something our boys can relate to. And something I saw yesterday includes the concept of being brave to show up and try. I stand with you on this journey we share with so many others. Thank you Jesus for being the Light in our fog, showing us always who we are. Thank you for being here and sharing, love to you across the miles!


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