Try: A #FiveMinuteFriday poem

23 thoughts on “Try: A #FiveMinuteFriday poem”

  1. Great poem, Julie! Perfectionism is definitely something I have struggled with and am gradually letting go of. I love this reminder: “Try is the path whose perfect is Jesus.” It makes such a difference when I realise it comes down to his perfection, not mine.

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    1. Thank you for reading Lesley. I am speaking from experience in this poem and feel encouraged I am not alone. My high expectations hindered patience with myself a couple years ago. The Giver of Grace is with me, and with you, and all who struggle in this way💙

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  2. Beautiful poem! THIS: “Where our experience prevails, Try opens doors, Try changes direction
    Try is the path whose perfect is Jesus.” I’m in the 5 spot this week.

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  3. My Friend I can attest that the perfect in Jesus flows out from you by His Grace as Faithfully, daily, you show up and continue to live life in the brave of Try. I am blessed by His hands free flowing out of You. Press On.

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    1. Oh dear, Emily, praying for you to put your pen to paper, dear Woman of God. Your words are beautiful each time they land where I can see. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being here and being my friend.


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