Blogger Recognition Award

23 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award”

  1. Congratulations Julie my awesome sister you continue to inspire others as you’ve inspired me and I truly hank you for the nomination as we continue to honour him have a blessed day my wonderful sister.

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  2. Julie, So nice to meet you. I say “Amen” to what you wrote here. My blog began in a very similar way, with the Lord speaking to me through Habakkuk 2:2-3 that I was to write down what he taught me through his word, to place it on a tablet (my computer) and to give it to a herald (the internet) who would “Run With It.” At first, it was not a blog, but I was writing on various Christian websites, but eventually it became a blog, but this current blog didn’t come into being until 3 years ago, I think it was. And, this has been such a blessing, for I have met so many wonderful Christians here, for which I am extremely grateful. All glory to God! Sue

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  3. Congrats Julie. I discovered your blog when I searched for those that shared the same interests as mine, this was only last week. It’s a blessing to have such a community of writers that love the Lord and find joy in sharing their journey of that love with others. Amy is a dear sister too. Thank God for this community.

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  4. Dear Julie,
    It’s so great reading here of how God led you into blogging! I am so glad that you said yes, and that you continue to say yes as He leads you on further. I am so honored that you would nominate me. Thank you Dear Sister, for the beautiful community of caring that you have created with God’s help here!! Blessings!

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